Naming decimal places

A decimal number is made of an integer part, placed on the left side of a decimal point, and a fractional part, placed on the right side of a decimal point. As a matter a fact, decimals are numbers which tells us how many parts of a whole we have. We use them to mark measure units of things that are not completely whole.

All the place values of the numbers depend on position on the left or right side of a decimal point. Look at the example with more digits.
Let’s take a look at, for example the number 1,987,654,321.123456,
The first digit before the decimal point represents the ones (number 1),
-the second stands for the tens (number 2), the third for the hundreds (number 3),
-the fourth for the thousands (number 4, after the comma),
-the fifth for the ten thousands (number 5),
-the sixth for the hundred thousands (number 6),
-the seventh for the millions (number 7, after the second comma),
-the eight for the ten millions (number 8),
-the ninth for the hundred millions (number 9) and
-the tenth for the billions (number 1, after the third comma).
All digits after the decimal point are called decimals.
-The first digit represents tenths (number 1),
-the second digit stands for the hundredths (number 2),
-third for the thousandths (number 3),
-fourth for the ten thousandths (number 4),
-fifth for the hundred thousandths (number 5),
-sixth for the millionths (number 6)
There are larger and smaller place values, but these ones are used the most. It doesn’t matter how large the number of digits is, they can be read and understood with ease. Test the knowledge with worksheets.

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