1. Candy is on sale 5 pounds for $9.95. Find the price per unit.
  1. $10.00
  2. $5.02
  3. $1.99
  4. $0.50
2. If candy is $4.25 per pound, how much would 3 pounds cost?
  1. $12.75
  2. $0.71
  3. $1.28
  4. $1.42
3. Ruby has $10. She buys a bottle of water for $1.29 and a bracelet for $5.95. How much change will she get back at the register?
  1. $2.76
  2. $7.24
  3. $3.24
  4. no change
4. At a clothing store, T-shirts are on sale for $9.97 each. What is the cost for 3 shirts?
  1. $29.91
  2. $27.91
  3. $3.32
  4. $12.9
5. Find the sum of 34.2 and 5.374.
  1. 39.574
  2. 28.826
  3. 5.716
  4. 185.7908
6. The student council bought 7 bags of apples for their fall party. Bags of apples were on sale for $3.45 each. How much did they pay for the apples?
  1. $24.15
  2. $0.49
  3. $23.85
  4. None of the above
7. One of the first helicopters flew at a speed of 44.7 km per hour. At this speed, ABOUT how far could the helicopter travel in 2.75 hours?
  1. A little more than 135 km.
  2. Exactly 135 km.
  3. 47.45 km
  4. A little less than 135 km.
8. A muffin recipe calls for 0.75 cups of blueberries. Paul is making 5 batches. He already has 2.5 cups of blueberries. How many more cups does he need?
  1. 1 1/2 cups
  2. 3.25 cups
  3. 3.75 cups
  4. 1.25 cups

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